More Emphasis On What Matters.
GrilloHiggins is a corporate and commercial law firm that focuses on providing
exceptional service to its clients while also providing cost certainty.
At GrilloHiggins we embrace innovative methods to provide better service and secure greater
value for clients, including value pricing and risk sharing arrangements.
Our Expertise
Our GrilloHiggins Team
Garrick Higgins
PartnerGarrick Higgins – Partner (03) 8621 8880 Garrick Higgins practises in c
David Woodford
PartnerDavid Woodford – Partner (03) 8621 8886 David has broad experience and
Tony Petani
PartnerTony Petani – Partner 0402 282 653 Tony advises on a range of matters r
Matthew Bridges
PartnerMatthew Bridges – Partner (03) 8621 8883 Matthew has worked as a commer
JaiWen Poh
PartnerJaiWen Poh – Senior Associate (03) 8621 8879 JiaWen works across a wide
Aidan Nugent
PartnerAidan Nugent – Senior Associate (03) 8621 8891 Aidan works across a wid
Nicole McGlade
PartnerNicole McGlade – Operations Manager (03) 8621 8878 Nicole McGlade’s e
Olivia De Stefano
PartnerOlivia De Stefano – Associate 03 8621 8888 Olivia works across a wide r
Sharon Conley
PartnerSharon Conley – Associate +61498776743 Sharon has experience across a w
Elizabeth Lacey
Elizabeth Lacey – Consultant 0400 896 244 Elizabeth’s expertise covers
Keri Steenberg
Keri Steenberg – Consultant 0412 371 924 Keri joins our team, with over
GrilloHiggins is a long-time supporter of My Room Children’s Cancer Charity. My Room is a volunteer led organisation, working together to support patients and families affected by childhood cancer. GrilloHiggins is proud to provide pro-bono legal services to My Room.
GrilloHiggins is proud to provide pro-bono legal services to Wildlife Wonders, a not-for-profit ecotourism venture located at Apollo Bay on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road.
“We Challenge Ourselves To Navigate A Path
To The Best Possible Outcome For Clients”
Alfonso Grillo - GrilloHiggins Partner